Democrats in California passed a stupid law. No kidding, Steve, what’s your point? This one would keep Donald Trump off the State ballot for President if he didn’t give them his tax returns. The California State Supreme Court has some bad news for CA- Dems.
It’s unconstitutional. I know, whoda thought? Well, anyone that ever read the constitution is who.
I’m not saying the California Supreme Court has a close relationship with the US Constitution, but I think this was an easy call. To be eligible to run for the office you need to be at least 35 years old, born in the United States, and lived here for fourteen years.
State’s do not have the power to add their own little “amendments.”
Had this somehow survived the California Judicial system SCOTUS would have knocked it dead in a heartbeat.
Just another colossal waste of time and taxpayer money spent pandering to a party that should probably be required to take Thorazine every day.
Can you imagine?
The peace and quiet.
And all the actual work we could get done. Like draining the swamp, building the wall, passing trade deals, and maybe (fingers crossed) cutting unnecessary federal departments and shrinking the national debt. Hey, a Conservatarian can dream.
There would, however, be a tremendous loss of blog material.
It’s a sacrifice I am willing to make.