Trump Challenger Joe Walsh Runs Into Media’s Racism Brick Wall – Should Probably Give Up Now

I itemized some impressive things about former Congressman Joe Walsh Yesterday. Great scores from Club for Growth and AFP. But only days into his “run” what little hope he had could be doomed. By the way, he responded to charges of racism.

It now looks like former Tea Party favorite, one term Congressman and talk show host Joe Walsh’s anti Trump campaign is set to implode over claims he’s made racist statements in the past.

Because Walsh is a politician he tries to talk his way out of it when confronted but because he’s a quasi-Republican it’s a political death sentence.

Walsh called Obama a Muslim. He said Obama was born in Kenya. Walsh also used the N-word in the context of others comparing it to the name of the Washington Redskins – to demonstrate it was not the same. 

None of those things is racist. Obama has a published book with a printed brochure that claims he was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia. That DC Football teams name is not the same as the n-Word.  And a young Obama was schooled in a Madrassa in Indonesia. Huge, Muslim, Nation. The connotation here, of course, is that it’s a Muslim school which it is because the word for School is Madrasa. 

I can see the potential for some confusion, but I just don’t see how saying he’s Muslim is racist. It’s part of his life and upbringing no matter where he is now. But even if it were, Walsh has bigger problems.

Trump is very popular among Republicans. His claim to nomination fame is not being that popular guy. His second claim is bashing Trump, even though most of his radio show listeners support Trump. Not that this is an issue. He lost his radio show this week.

Hey, he’ll have a lot of free time to bash Trump and turn off Republican Primary voters.

You know, Walsh did apologize to the Media for the racism thing. How many Republican primary votes do you think that’ll win over?

| The Federalist Papers

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