Trump Challenger: Joe Walsh Has Entered the Republican Primary for President

Joe Walsh, a former congressman, and Conservative radio talker has jumped into the Republican Presidential Primary. He formally announced his candidacy today.

I honestly know nothing about him. The only Joe Walsh I know is this guy. And he used to go to parties, sometimes until four. 

I can’t say that means anything with regard to former Congressman Walsh or his chances. Wait. Yes, I can. In fact, that’s what we do here. I have no idea who this is. If I’ve ever even written his name or referenced a vote or a quote, it wasn’t memorable enough to recall. I didn’t know he had a radio show.

That may be a problem. Not everyone will use the internet to discover that Joe Walsh the candidate isn’t this guy. I did and found the Rocker more than not. But I was persistent. 

Republican Presidential Candidate Joe Walsh,

  • Won one term to Congress from  Illinois in the Tea Party wave election.
  • Had his district redrawn placing his residence in a Republican district with a GOP incumbent.
  • Was pilloried with accusations and ethics complaints in the reelection bid.
  • Ended up running in his redrawn old district against Tamy Duckworth (he lost).
  • Walsh was endorsed by the Family Research Council
  • AFP gave him a 100% Rating.
  • His Club for Growth score is 96%
  • His race was well funded by big-name Conservative Super-Pacs (against Duckworth)
  • He lost 55% – 45%

He’s no Bill Weld, which is refreshing. But can he begin to compete with the Trump Train? Most of the Never-Trumpers are moderates, RINO’s, and Republican Media people. And while there are actual conservatives who have issues with the sitting Commander and Chief, how many will consider Walsh ‘The Guy’ when he isn’t this guy?

Don’t worry, we get to find out. He’s running. 

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