If Trump is Hitler, He’s Pretty Bad at It.

Ever since Hitler, another party of socialist totalitarian policies (Democrats) has labeled Republicans as fascists, Nazis, and Hitler. The only reason they didn’t do it sooner is that there was no Hitler.

Related: Some Important Reading About This Hitler Business

Barry Goldwater was Hitler. Nixon was Hitler. Reagan was Hitler. Both Bushes were Hitler. Heck, FDR accused Wendell Willkie of using Hitler tactics.

They were all “Hitler.

And, of course, Trump is Hitler. They were all terrible “Hitlers.” Not the least, being President Trump. As Laura Rosen Cohen notes at SteynOnline,

Trump Derangement Syndrome: Hitler Hitler Hitler! Trump could be Hitler except he has a Jewish daughter, son in law and Jewish grandchildren. He could totally be Hitler except for moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem. And he could certainly be Hitler except for recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Worst anti-Semite ever.

Mr. Trump has improved the working lives of millions of minorities, managed an economy that is getting people off welfare and back to work. He’s helped blacks, Latinos, women, young people, and yes, Jews! Not because he targets them for special treatment. He just treated us all with the same respect by working on getting the government out of our way so we could find opportunities on our own.

Actual “Hitlerism,” If You’re Looking…

President Trump didn’t ask your family, friends, or neighbors repeatedly to spy on you.

President Trump didn’t use the government to spy on the press, his allies, or his political opponents, a very Hitlerian-Fascist thing to do. Democrats did all those things. 

Street mobs harass and suppress opponents’ speech. ‘Students’ protesting and destroying historical monuments. A culture that devalues life at beginning and end. Not Republican ideas at all but mainstream with the Democrats.

And, of course, obsessing over State control. All social power is political power. Nothing is beyond the reach of the state — all Democrat talking points and platform planks. 

More Bad News for Democrats and their Hitlerian Fantasies

Trump is Israel’s strongest global advocate, while Democrats have an anti-Semitism problem and a recent President who sided with Israel’s Middle Eastern Terror-State enemies. 

Democrats have been violating Federal Law by communicating with Iran (Feinstein, Kerry, et al.) even though Iran has promised to wipe Israel and Jews off the face of the earth.

Mr. Trump abandoned the Democrat’s Reparations for Iran Deal, ratcheted up sanctions, and is standing firm in defense of our allies against Islamo Fascism – which is (in reality) very Hitlerian.

The Obamanians mewed like kittens while handing over pallets of cash to Iran and easing access to nuclear technology to a nation that has promised to destroy Jews and the West.

If you’re going to hit me, hit me with this.

Iran and Nazi Germany have a lot in common. Trump and the Republicans not so much.

But as long as history has a Hitler in it, National Socialism, which is still a totalitarian ideology like Democrat Leftism, will be wielded against Republicans. Your response should be no different than that of a child who tells you there are unicorns under their bed.

Smile. Try not to be condescending. Say, okay, dear (but don’t pat them on the head because they’ll accuse you of assault).

And then go back to living in the real world where you should remind the adults that if they want to live to experience something a lot like Hitler, all they have to do is vote for Democrats or not vote at all, and that day will come on its own.



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