Nashua Democrat Jan Schmidt is Right to Worry about GraniteGrok’s Traffic

Ever since we briefly passed the Concord Monitor in average daily Alexa ranking, folks like to ask. How’s your ranking? Is traffic good? Did you pass anyone else?

Spring and summer tend to suppress online traffic. Folks are outside feeding the black flies and mosquitoes. Even with a Smartphone, it can be a challenge to read while you are swinging your hands at the evil beasts.

That means different things this year. Not to the blackflies but to those other “blood” suckers, Democrats. Like Nashua Rep Jan Schmidt. She asked someone to send her some content from our site because she wanted to see it but refuses to visit GraniteGrok.

She doesn’t want to give us the traffic.

We’re doing just fine without Jan. And that worries the Left. They’re calling us names, and we continue to reach more readers — folks who share what they find (like the voting Records of NH House Democrats).

Stories no one else in New Hampshire media is covering.

Gun Rally’s, Conservative Events, something other than which of 23 different Democrat Socialists are tossing our future off a far-left cliff in pursuit of some sliver of earned media. Braying donkeys trying to stand out only to have old-white-handsy Washington Insider™ Joe Biden suck all the Oxygen out of the room without even having to show up.

Oxygen he needs given that he’s so damn old.

It’s hard to claim the change mantle when the base flocks to a guy who has spent over 40 years in Washington. To take seriously any talk of how broken it is when he broke it. 

But I digress.

Traffic is good. We’re getting more local stories from folks in towns looking to expose bullying and corruption. And we’re still edging up on the fourth place spot.

Back in January, that means the Concord Monitor. Lately, it has been Fosters Daily Democrat. That other Seacoast Online media presence. Back in March, it looked like this.

Alexa Rank March 2019

They’ve stayed about the same while we have improved.

So, we’re very close. You can help us surpass them. Click, read, and share.

Hey, even far-left Nashua Democrat Jan Schmidt wants to read GraniteGrok.

Alexa Ranking as of 5/21/2018
Site Name (Sorted by US Rank) US Rank Global Rank
Union leader 12,583 72,465
SeacoastOnline 23,735 122,448
Concord Monitor 28,612 140,014
Fosters Daily Democrat 33,847 171,629
GraniteGrok 34,653 190,925
Keene Sentinel 44,744 266,525
Manchester Ink Link 58,289 358,824
Nashua Telegraph 58,301 264,188
NH Journal 58,597 267,103
Conway Daily Sun 73,651 296,463
Laconia Daily Sun 71,082 349,937
Liberty Block 125,794 514,884 188,611 1,162,334
NH1 238,080 685,337
InDepthNH 242,818 1,539,244
School Choice for NH 433,175 1,956,824
Girard At Large unranked 3,002,601
Josiah Bartlett unranked 3,572,449
Granite State Taxpayers unranked 5,135,856
CNHT unranked 5,613,263
Miscellany Blue unranked 6,151,515
Progressive Grok unranked 16,125,518
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