Two stories that caught my eye this morning reminded me of the bankrupt morality on the Left. Stay with me here. It’s turtle nesting season in New Hampshire. So, watch out for them when they cross the road. I think we all do that anyway.
I have exited my vehicle to move turtles off the road (of all sizes) in the direction they were headed. You don’t want to hit them, and people could end up causing a collision or end up off the road if they try to avoid them at the last second. Helping them along is good for the turtles, drivers, everyone. And I don’t mind doing it. You’re probably with me on that.
Now consider this. Florida has strict rules for marine turtles.
“A person, firm, or corporation that illegally takes, disturbs, mutilates, destroys, causes to be destroyed, transfers, sells, offers to sell, molests, or harasses any marine turtle species or hatchling, or parts thereof, or the eggs or nest of any marine turtle species described in this subsection commits a felony of the third degree.“(FLA. 379.2431 (1)(d)(5))
If that’s too hard to understand, try this. Do not mess with the figgin’ turtle eggs!
There are living things in those eggs and the State has placed a high value on their survival. Punishments for “[A] first-time offender of harassment of turtle eggs — to the tune of up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine.”
That’s serious. Someone wants to make sure those turtles survive.
If you question a Democrat, just about any Democrat, I guarantee they will agree with the State’s interest in protecting marine turtle life before it is viable (and after).
Human babies, not so much.
We’ve recently seen heartbeat bills pass in Georgia. Laws that come with fines or prison terms for anyone who performs an abortion. Even a bill in Texas that prohibits tax money in any form benefitting abortion providers.
Many of these acts protect human life before and (even) after viability – just like the Florida law. Democrats hate them. They’ve got all sort of ‘reasons.’ And I’m expecting all manner of intuitive parsing of my comparison. But if you ignore the noise, it all comes down to protecting life when it is most fragile. Making sure it has a chance to live.
An egg isn’t a turtle but messing with one (at least in Flordia) will get you fines and jail time because it will be a turtle. And that’s important. Why isn’t an unborn baby at least equally as precious?