Get Used to This: Calling Out Antisemitism is Islamophobic

As Pelosi and company back off any statement about Ilhan Omar her pal Rashida Tlaib is setting the table for conversations to come. Moving forward any remark about antisemitism directed at Muslims will be framed as Islamophobic.

Tlaib took her cause to Twitter after gun-shot victim Steve Scalise (R- LA) questioned whether Ilhan Omar should be receiving intelligence briefings. He’d like her removed from the Foreign Affairs Committee. And while Democrats were poised to at least rebuke Omar that ship sailed and sank. They have decided to embrace the hate and own it in their way.

The new messaging will be truer to form. Questioning hate is hate. Open discussion is fascist.  And the beatings will continue.

Jon Gabriel boils it down.

| GellerReport

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