Corrupt Terry McAuliffe Dumps More Money on Local New Hampshire Democrats

Former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe is dumping cash on the New Hampshire Democrat party. Seed money (presumably) for a likely 2020 Presidential run. Because who doesn’t need corrupt Clinton Cronies handing the levers of power? Anyone? Because McAuliffe is up to his eyes in Clinton corruption.

Related: Scandal-Ridden Terry McAuliffe Tied His Corrupt Little Horse to Molly Kelly’s Wagon

He’s a long time insider. 

This means we have to ask. Did any of that scratch he dumped on the State Democrat party come from the Chinese? As in, China. McAuliffe has a history of working the system for the Clinton’s and himself. Using his contacts to get Chinese donors Yuan’s Dollars into Democrat coffers. A question we explored when he endorsed Molly Kelly for Governor.

And now he’s back. Putting more money into the Granite State.

Campaign finance reports show McAuliffe’s PAC raised $300,000 in the second half of 2018 after raising no money in his first six months out of office. The PAC’s spending included money for staff, travel, and donations to the Democratic parties in Iowa and New Hampshire — both early voting states in presidential primaries.

Corrupt McAuliffe money is lining the pockets of the State Democrat Party, yet again. Not that this would ever stop them. Most of the major players on the left have been Clinton bootlickers for decades even though New Hampshire’s truly radical left love, Bernie.

They both think the other is corrupt. Both sides accused the other of vote fraud leading up to the primary. And yet none of these are happening when they run against Republicans?

They are all corrupt vote thieves with dirty money. And Terry McAuliffe is back to help keep that “promise.”

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