Embattled Manchester Democrat David Scannell Should Step Down

Manchester Democrat David Scannell should step down. He is so blinded by partisan vitriol, that he is not competent to sit on a public board. The proof is in his own admission. He deliberately released a letter from a lawyer to the press. Why? Because the lawyer sent it to all the members of the school board, not just David Scannell.

Related: Manchester Democrat(s) Using a Student for a Political Smear is the Scandal

He’s got other reasons. Seven of them. He rhetorically “nailed them” to the Board of School Committee chamber door. He’s a martyr doing the people’s work. A victim of circumstance (nyuk, nyuk). But none of the reasons matter because they all hinge on one point. It’s okay for a member of the committee to share anything they all get in their email with the public. Anything.

Even letters from lawyers speaking for students.

I’m going to test that theory because I happen to know it’s not true. Any number of things circulated among members of elected committees are not public. Some with attachments. Some without. And it makes no difference how many times they show up or if hard copies are mailed to board members homes.

Scannell’s Radical Rules for School Boards

Scannell probably broke the law. He did it deliberately. His animus motivated the action against a fellow board member. All over an argument based on student privacy which Scannell ignored in pursuit of a political hit. And Scannell is okay with that.

Smearing opponents must come before privacy or the law. Write that down.

Sadly, his fellow Democrats on the Manchester Board of School Committee will not take any action against Scannell. Not meaningful action. They want his political target gone too. No matter what the cost to Manchester taxpayers, who should take note and hold them all to account.

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