David Scannell Manchester School Board

Embattled Manchester Democrat David Scannell Should Step Down

Manchester Democrat David Scannell should step down. He is so blinded by partisan vitriol, that he is not competent to sit on a public board. The proof is in his own admission. He deliberately released a letter from a lawyer to the press. Why? Because the lawyer sent it to all the members of the school board, not just David Scannell.

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Manchester Fool Committee Strikes Again

There is a cost for electing liberal political hacks to a school board, or committee, and a shining example of “hacknoxiousness” is sitting on the Manchester School Committee Board right now. Enter one – Ward 2 Committeeman David Scannell. Does this “ward” title mean mental ward? It looks like the standard, “Let’s Get Committeeman Rich … Read more

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