Breaking News: Texas Judge rules Obamacare unconstitutional. - Granite Grok

Breaking News: Texas Judge rules Obamacare unconstitutional.

Hardest hit: Women and children, Poor,  Legacy of Obama

Breaking: Obamacare ruled unconstitutional by Texas judge – here’s what he said

A judge in Texas ruled Obamacare unconstitutional in light of Congress passing a budget that excised the mandate from the original legislation. U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor in Fort Worth said that the Affordable Care Act passed under the aegis of former President Barack Obama became unconstitutional after the budget passed by Republicans that cut out the tax penalty for not purchasing insurance….Texas and nineteen other states argued that the U.S. Supreme Court had found the healthcare legislation constitutional on the basis of the existence of the mandate. Once the mandate was eradicated by Congress, they claimed, that completely undermined the constitutionality of the bill.

Judge O’Connor agreed with that reasoning Friday.

“The remainder of the ACA is non-severable from the individual mandate,” O’Connor wrote in the decision, “meaning that the Act must be invalidated in whole.”

Our long misery of seeing healthcare nationalized (no, not the means of production – just the overbearing control) is not over yet.  This will be appealed upward and end up at SCOTUS.  Who knows what will happen at that point.  I’m quite sure the Chief Justice Roberts is now wondering what his move is going to be.  The last time, he ruled that the Individual Mandate was a tax and not a fine which allowed it to pass as Congress has the Power to tax.  Where conservatives took him to task was while Congress does have that Power, does it have the Power to tax nothing? That was his decision that for the first time, Congress could tax inaction.

At the time, he was excoriated but was his decision one that left the thread hanging that by pulling on it, could unravel the entire ball of yarn?  Congress, in invalidating that Individual Mandate and removing its “tax”, pulled on it. Right now, it seems to be – so was this intentional by Roberts?  We’ll probably never know.

One thing I’m really sure is that Obama is really steaming.  Once again, the Trump Adminstration era is just stomping him out of existence to the point Obama has been holding court that all of Trump’s success is ONLY because he set the table.  However, this decision is only due to Obama and the Democrats – they DID set the table for this decision and they own it lock, stock, and barrel. NO Republican voted for it (heck, they were totally ignored during the process) – NONE of this decision belongs to anyone else.

It will be interesting, in the morning, to see what the wider reaction will be.

Ashes, sackcloth, and rendering will probably be the modus operandi.

(H/T: The Blaze)
