It’s Time to Send Anne ‘Only Comes Around for Votes’ Kuster Home

Kimberly Morin

The bi-annual appearance of Representative Anne Kuster (D-Congressional District 2) is happening right now. This is the time, once every couple of years, when Kuster decides to make appearances in the Granite State.

Kuster likes to feign she cares about her constituents but the truth is, she doesn’t. She ignores them once she’s re-elected and then sweeps back into her district to ask for their votes, hoping they’ll forget she ignores them otherwise.

In a recent St. Anselm’s poll, 45% of those surveyed believe it’s time to send Kuster home and give someone else a chance. From the Concord Monitor:

While her campaign fundraising figures keep soaring, congresswoman Annie Kuster’s poll numbers aren’t as impressive.

A new Saint Anselm College Survey Center poll indicates that more Granite Staters think it’s time to give someone else a chance in the 2nd Congressional District than send Kuster back to Washington as she runs for re-election this year.

Voters have the opportunity in the November election to do just that.

Steve Negron is running as Kuster’s Republican opponent. Negron is currently a New Hampshire House State Representative who has voted for the same ‘Live Free or Die’ values that his constituents expect. Negron is an Air Force Veteran and small business owner who has been active in his community for years. He’s truly a people’s representative. He actually talks with his constituents and listens to what they have to say, he doesn’t just put his hand out for a vote.

Negron is the antithesis of Kuster. He is:

Pro-1st Amendment

Pro-2nd Amendment


Pro-Family and

Pro-Worker Freedom

Unlike Kuster, Negron actually has a solid voting record that represents the values of his constituents and the people of New Hampshire. If you haven’t met Negron, make a point to reach out to him, unlike Kuster, he’s very accessible and willing to hear what you have to say and answer any questions you may have about his candidacy and how he’ll represent the Granite State.

Do the state a favor if you live in the Second Congressional District, send Kuster home.


  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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