If You are Concerned About the Polls, Two Years Ago Today – “Hillary Ahead By Double Digits”

You should be doing what you can to volunteer and help Republican candidates get out the vote because elections come down to turn out. And no, you should not ignore the polls – use them to motivate you and everyone around you. The Democrats are promising to do some awful things.

But remember, two years ago today, CNN had Hillary over Trump by double-digits.

Hillary Clinton has a 12-point lead over Donald Trump and has reached 50% support nationally among likely voters, a new ABC News tracking poll shows.

The poll shows Clinton with 50% support to Trump’s 38%, with 5% backing Libertarian Gary Johnson and 2% supporting the Green Party’s Jill Stein.

RCSB also reminds us that the next day Hillary was doing so well that she’d stopped thinking about her opponent altogether.

Hillary Clinton is so far ahead of Donald Trump in the race for the presidency that she no longer even feels the need to pay attention to the Republican nominee.

And the day after the election, a complete 180 and they haven’t stopped thinking about him since. He consumes every day, living rent-free in their heads, which should motivate you even further.

Get out the vote. The Left has given you plenty of weapons to use against them. Rants, Mobs, threats, Kavanaugh circus, open borders, abandoning due process, raising taxes, and ruining your economic recovery just for starters.

If that’s not enough, while the 2016 post-election Democrat meltdown was epic imagine what might happen if Americans reject them again in 2018?

They could actually lose seats in the US Senate.

Wouldn’t you like to see what that looks like? I know I would.

But the countdown to the 2018 Meltdown doesn’t happen without your support. 

Knock some doors, make some calls, share online, vote, and bring people with you.

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