ESPN’s New Policy


By Jim Johnson

NFL Owners have relinquished their power to the players. Now, executives at sports television network ESPN have interceded to appease multi-million-dollar players by not airing the playing of the National Anthem before NFL Monday Night Football games.

How soon before other networks follow this PC liberal morass?

The heartfelt feelings of Fans never considered, hell no ESPN has offered what amounts to a cheapening of the Anthem.

Of course, owners of television networks and football franchises are complete failures of their own making. Their quest for ratings and revenues is more important than our nation’s traditions and beliefs.

Rather, than positively defend America’s Cultural Custom and enforce existing NFL policies/rules, the NFL and ESPN have punted and gave the middle finger to America.

The National Anthem and American Flag were never meant to be used as a pedestal to divide through protest; rather it is the commonality that unites us all.

Now that pre-season games have begun, I have one question; where were all of you NFL Social Justice Warriors in the offseason? Surely, mainstream media Maher, Colbert, Kimmel, CNN, MSNBC, etc. would have salivated over providing endless exposure of grievous American shortcomings on a nightly basis.



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