Gwen Berry looks away from flag during anthem

Decade-Old Tweets Show Athlete Gwen Barry Might Just be a Mean Gurl

There is ample justification for believing that giving jerks attention may be what they want and not what they need. I agree that this position holds water, but after over 12 years of blogging, I can say with confidence that the other side of that is often worth the “price.”

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ESPN’s New Policy

By Jim Johnson

NFL Owners have relinquished their power to the players. Now, executives at sports television network ESPN have interceded to appease multi-million-dollar players by not airing the playing of the National Anthem before NFL Monday Night Football games.

How soon before other networks follow this PC liberal morass?

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Did the NFL Fumble the New Pledge Policy?

goodellIf you listen to sports talk radio, you’ll know that the NFL’s recent announcement about the National Anthem has more than a few detractors. I’ve heard everything from it’s a free speech issue, to Goodell muffed it, to the owners were not unanimous (some abstained), to the players union knew nothing about it, to why would we care?

Here’s what I think because that is, after all, why you are here.

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Democrats Prepare to Defend The NH Health Insurance Monopoly

Democrats hate this bill as well. It allows small business owners and individuals to seek arrangements and coverage to meet their specific needs.

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