Steve’s most excellent post, that is – is Kelly Ayotte really with us? He says no, I say no, and now another one has a BUNCH of reason of NOPE! I get to see (and have to moderate) all of the comments on GraniteGrok and Ken from the Seacoast has a dandy comment from Steve’s post – an impressive list that I thought needed to be “promoted” to our front page in its own post (emphasis mine):
I have e-mailed her office on many occasions regarding many Senate votes. I receive very nice platitudes but nothing substantive in return. CPP is just the latest offense. Remember:
voted for EPA’s CPP, Utility MACT and cross state border pollution rules
voted for re-authorization of Ex-Im Bank (twice)
voted for TPP
voted for TAA
voted for Loretta Lynch (that worked out well for Louis Lerner and others)
voted for Janet Yellen
voted to fund BO’s illegal executive actions on illegal immigration (twice)
voted to continue funding Federal work training programs (is that the role of the Feds)??
voted to extend unemployment benefits
voted to extend taxpayer backed loans to the Ukraine
voted to extend Child Care and Development block grants through 2020
voted for every Omnibus spending bill each increasing the debt by trillions (this demonstrates complete disregard for fiscal restraint – pure DC politics)
voted to give homosexuals and transgenders “protected status“
voted for S.744 providing immediate legal status for most illegal immigrants in the US
voted against State’s right to require labeling for GMO foods (small Fed, hello!!)
voted against Rand Paul’s balanced budget resolution
voted against the repeal of the forest legacy program (federal land grab)
voted against continental-shelf oil and gas leases
voted against limiting the authority of armed forces to detain US citizens without due process
voted for three more free trade agreements (S. Korea, Columbia and Panama )
voted against Rand Paul’s amendment to the Patriot Act that would have restricted illegal searches for American citizen’s firearms records
voted to extend the Patriot Act (again)
voted against Rand Paul’s motion to assert that BO’s military actions in Libya are unconstitutional
and she calls her self a conservative Republican, LOL
And to follow that shot with this chaser on my post:
Why is this titled “I’m afraid Kelly Ayotte is not with us on another issue, either: debt ceiling” and not “Kelly Ayotte: Never Again!” ?