GrokTALK! – At Liberty Forum – The Videos (Segments 7 & 8)


OK, I ‘fess up – it’s been a while since the last post from Liberty Forum went up from me so time to put it into gear again:

  • Segment 7 – We talk with Alvin about Liberty Forum and again, thank him immensely for donating the funds for 1 of the two headsets we are looking to add to the equipment roster as we often have more people in studio than we can put on air.  We also talk with Matt Simon who has been a long time marijuana advocate here in NH; he talks about the bills running their courses at the State Capital.
  • Segment 8 – former NH State Rep Emily Sandblade joins with Groksters Susan, Skip, and Steve and she introduces a new legislative concept for us: “Sunrise Law” (as opposed to a sunset law that fades out after some time or date).  She reflects on “too many bills” and the conversation turns to Kelly Ayotte and (again!) “White Chicken Chili”.


Segment 7                                                                Segment 6

Previous videos:

  • Segment 1 – talks on NH State Senator Andrew Hosmer, tanning beds legislation that removes parental Rights, NH State Senator Renny Cushing wants to be in bed with consenting adults w/clipboard and contract in hand, (Steve’s hilarious post – V.U.L.V.A.), then get into the weeds on concealed carry law in New Hampshire with guest Derrik J.
  • Segment 2 – We continue talking with Derrik on his concealed carry case.
  • Segment 3 – Grokster Steve does a wrap up report on his trip to CPAC, Skip whines about a lack of sleep and bemoans doing the cold turkey dropping of Mtn Dew (yeah, this may take a while to get out of my system), and NH Right to Live Jane Cormier stops in to talk about some Life issues.
  • Segment 4 – Grokster Kimberly Morin joins in with a head of steam (“evil thoughts”) and we talk about NH State Senator David Pierce (“I grew a uterus!”) in treating women like numbskulls with his SB42 that would mandate contraceptive info about a company’s job application paperwork.  This Democrat must believe that all women only think about their ladyparts.  And former NH GOP Exec. Dir. (and main NH man for Chris Christie) Matt Mowers makes his return with the Groksters (no, not in person but we do mention him).
  • Segment 5 – Liberty, Unions, and “White Chicken Chili” with Greg Moore of AFP/NH
  • Segment 6 – Ian Underwood on words MUST mean something and highly accurate rifles


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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