“Former Police Chief David Seastrand has cost the town of New London, New Hampshire a $70,000.00 dollar settlement of a civil suit, after he tried to get a Colby-Sawyer College coed to let him take nude pictures of her in exchange for dropping criminal charges he probably made up in the first place.
The Democrat NH AG’s office says (Union Leader) “that the only law applicable to the case was the abuse of power statute, under which a public official is guilty of a misdemeanor if her or she knowingly commits an unauthorized act ‘which purports to be an act of his or her office‘ or ‘knowingly refrains from performing a duty imposed on him by law or clearly inherent in the nature of the office.’ ” (Seastrand was not charged by the NH AG.)
Two Questions. First, are there laws if someone who is not a police officer does this? Second, where were the feminazi’s and war-on-women campus-rape rhetoric junkies from the professional left?
A New Hampshire police officer, in full uniform, can randomly scoop up college girls off the street, take them to a basement, and demand that they be allowed to take nude photos of them in exchange for liberty and worst case their taxpayers pay a civil suit judgment and they have to retire to a hefty pension?
Where’s the justice in that? Where are all the identity politics axe-grinders?
Neither the Easily Outraged Democrat Women Caucus in New Hampshire nor the Out-Of-State Funded Progressive Social Justice League was ever assembled to deploy a public out-rage campaign against Seastrand or in defense of sexually harassed college women everywhere. To suggest even crickets chirping from the False-Outrage Coalition of New Hampshire Harpies would be an overstatement.
Remember, a proposed third-party voluntary bikini hulu-hoop contest at a fundraiser is a sexist offense against women (who have a right and choice to wear bikinis and use hula-hoopes) and must be denounced by otherwise innocent political bystanders but police chiefs detaining young girls and asking them to strip in exchange for their freedom is unworthy of their concerted attention.
Will NH Democrat Robert ‘Renny’ Cushing be pushing Colby-Sawyer to give up any tax exempt status for allowing local police chiefs to sexually harass their female students?
You know, it is a good thing that David Seastrand wasn’t her boss, or just some college kid (or random adult male) in town looking to score nude photos of Colby-Sawyer college co-eds. That David Seastrand would be in jail and charged with battery, kidnapping, or sexual assault at the very least. There are laws for that sort of thing for folks who can’t pretend to be doing the people business.
And if Seastrand were by any chance a known Republican donor or connected to the TEA Party, Janelle Westfall could have become the Left’s next Sandra Fluke, and right here in the Granite State!
But Seastrand was a lifetime union cop-and the local chief-with 27 years ‘on the street’ (where he probably pulled this scam dozens if not hundreds of times) so he gets to live a feminist-harpy free-life, uncluttered by Democrat press releases or curious out-of-state-funded left-wing trackers with video cameras. No stories on HuffPo or DailyKos collecting the storm runoff of left-wing outrage like a rain barrel.
And he still can collect his tax-payer funded pension (with benefits), which probably well-exceeds double the average annual income of folks who could never get away with what he has. He just can’t play at police officer anymore, though he could easily score a private security gig on the side somewhere (probably not at Colby-Sawyer but you never know) making at least half again what his pension pays – part time. Seastrand probably doesn’t even need fear a mental health limitation on his right to carry a firearm should one ever pass its way into state statute.
And Janelle? She can’t decide if she can ever feel safe if she goes back to college.
Janelle Westfall has every right to feel unsafe given what she has experienced with both the enforcement and court system in New Hampshire and $70,000.00 of New Boston taxpayer dollars doesn’t fix that.
Legislation to close loop holes will be forthcoming but having an AG who will actually enforce them… I wouldn’t hold your breath. Hiding Democrat vote fraud is probably a violation of the abuse of power statute as well but as far as we can tell that appears to be part of the NH AG’s unofficial job description no matter who happens to be AG.
Correction- New London’s Insurance carrier, I am told, only paid about $7K. Seastrand’s (or his insurance carrier) had to pay the rest. Thanks to WNTK News Talk 99.7 on Facebook!