David Seastrand To Face Civil Lawsuit From His Most Recent Victim

Last week NH AG Joe Foster let former New London police chief off the hook for dropping the charges if young women he was going to arrest would pose nude for him.  There are only four cases we know of, though I think we can guess that there were quite a few more, something that could come up in the recently announced civil trial…

Union Leader

The original complainant against Seastrand, Colby Sawyer College student Janelle Westfall, will file a civil suit against him this week, according to her lawyer, Richard J. Lehmann of Concord.

“Nobody is bound by the attorney general’s decision, a jury of 12 people will decide this,” Lehmann said, adding that he will consider the three women’s complaints for litigation if it is warranted.

Using your position of authority to take advantage of women in any situation is reprehensible.  Using it against vulnerable women facing criminal charges is heinous.

Closing observation: I’ve written a handful of articles over 7 months condemning this dirt bag for his abuse of trust and mistreatment of women but the out of state funded, so-called, anti-objectification, social justice women like Zandra Rice-Hawkins, Sarah Chaisson-Warner, Harrell Kirstein, not to mention all the elected Democrat women in this state….none of who appear to have not lifted a finger or a word in defense of these women or against David Seastrand and his misuse of authority.

If what Seastrand did, for however long in his 27 years on the force, is not a war on women, what the hell is?  Wait, maybe he offered them free contraception as a parting gift after each photo-shoot.  That would make the hypocrats happy.

Hey.  Someone should ask Seastrand what he did with his actual binders full of nude women–the ones he took pictures of in exchange for clemency for who knows how many years.  Digital binders, actual binders.  You know he had them and had to trash them.

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