Peter Spaulding – to progress forward, this Republican endorses the Democrat

by Skip

“Colin Van Ostern puts progress over politics”

No More RINO's - RLCNH puts up the records they must run onI haven’t done my weekly visit to Political Scoop in a while but toddled on over yesterday to play catch up (once a week (or once every three weeks) is certainly enough).  Too bad, too because it gave me the opportunity to ask a question (a la Pindell’s Political Scoop):

What kind of Republican uses the word Progress like a Democrat does?

Especially in endorsing a Democrat? With grand delusions of Progressing the poor masses to an ever more Collective and dystopian Utopia of the Progressive making?  How many Republicans even think that way?  At least we in the base simply want to make it possible for individuals to be left alone to create their own instead of being herded into one like in a cattle drive? But to endorse a “rising star” in the NH Dem Party?  Especially when there is a Republican in the race, Timothy Dillon?

 So with the rumor of the NH GOP Elite starting the process of castigating the Liberty and Freedom wing of the Party for not falling into line and promising, like good little children who need instruction, to vote for the Establishment candidates (thanks to all that Establishment money that was spent on their behalf) after the Primary, how come I’ve heard / seen little about Peter Spaulding endorsement of Democrat Colin Van Ostern?  Yet  Spaulding is a Republican elected official – Merrimack County Commissioner and long term BMOC in NH Republican politics (remember him, stuck like glue in squiring McCain all over the State in 2000 / 2008  – an example of reaching for the “every 4 years” brass ring circus I complain about?). And “repetez avoc moi” – reprised that role with Jon Huntsman. Spaulding’s words:

Colin Van Ostern puts progress over politics. That’s what we need more of in our government. I’m proud to stand with Colin and support his re-election, and I hope other Republicans, Independents, and Democrats will join me in supporting him,” said Spaulding.

Update: similar posts on Bill Grenier here, here, here and here.



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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