I was on my way home and heard a commercial paid for by NextGen Climate Action. The radio ad focused on a Republican candidate for the US Senate in New Hampshire, Oil, out-of-state-energy-influence peddlers, and (oil-drum-roll) the Koch brothers.
It was your typical left wing boilerplate, yes, but the ad emphasized how New Hampshire, the state of New Hampshire, doesn’t have any oil in it. None. Nada. And as such, no oil money.
The liberal narrative: using revenue from “oil” (when New Hampshire doesn’t have any) to advance any political fortunes in the Granite State, is bad. Wrong. Unethical.
Enter Maggie ‘Fracking’ Hassan
One of [NH Governor Maggie Hassan’s] (few) so-called political victories is a 22% increase in exports from New Hampshire. Business NH Magazine reports that 21.3% of that so-called declared increase comes from oil, fracked out of the ground in the Bakken oil fields, carried via rail, through New Hampshire (without ever stopping here) on its way to Canada.
Governor Maggie ‘Fracking’ Hassan justified violating her own travel ban to fly to Turkey on a trade mission based on that amazing trade growth statistic.
Oil export revenue.
From oil that would-not come from New Hampshire; or even stop on its way through New Hampshire. There isn’t any oil in New Hampshire! None, Nada.
Thank you NextGen Climate Action.
What can I say? I am amused when left-wing hypocrisies collide.
Here, have another left-wing narrative collision.
NextGen Climate Action is funded by Tom Steyer (a California billionaire, hedge fund banker who made plenty of his riches off thermal coal), and a handful of incredibly wealthy out-of-state limousine liberals. Billionaires looking to take advantage of billions in taxpayer dollars for green energy subsidies that are more likely to come their way if a Democrat like Jeanne Shaheen is in the US Senate.
This makes NextGen Climate Action an out-of-state influence energy peddler, peddling their out-of-state money to influence New Hampshire elections, so they can benefit.
I told you it was an amusing ad.
Want one more?
The NextGen ad accuses a Republican of supporting tax breaks for oil companies. They are accusing them of letting oil companies keep more of the revenues they generate through legal commerce. The words they use are tax breaks. When you get a tax break, the government takes less of the money you legally earned out of your wallet. When Oil companies get a tax break the government takes less of the money they legally earned out of their pockets. (The ad never mentions loans, grants, subsidies…and here is why.)
What NextGen is after is a Senator who will help them get taxpayer backed loans, grants and handouts for green investments they wont make any profit on otherwise. They want Jeanne Shaheen to find ways to take more of the money you, and other businesses legally earned and give it to them. Plunder, in a word.
If recent history is any guide, (Solyndra, etc) you will have less of your own money to ensure that the Liberal billionaires who fund NexGen Climate Action (and Support Democrat Senators like Jeanne Shaheen) wont have to risk their own money on green energy boondoggles that may never earn a dime on their own bird-frying, bat-exploding, scenic view defiling, can’t survive without additional taxpayer funded price supports, feet. Energy that will then cost you more, and do a lot less.
So, thank you NextGen, for your expert testimony on New Hampshire’s lack of a vast Oil reserves, and all the layers of hypocrisy that come with it.
If only every listener knew just how ridiculous you all are.