Belknap County Republicans Fight for People, not Special Interests


Two years ago the Belknap County Commissioners tried to foist on Belknap County residents a new 5 Star jail.  This jail not only had a $42 million price tag, but it would increase, not reduce, operating costs.  The proposal would double the current jail costs and significantly increase County taxes for every Belknap County property owner.

Fortunately the Republican led Belknap County Delegation refused to be railroaded into a quick decision and required further investigation into our county’s jail situation.  While the Commissioners, Democrats, and special interests reacted viciously to the Delegation’s requirement for further investigation, investigating further was a wise decision.

Investigation revealed that there are ways to quickly reduce costs and jail crowding.  Belknap County’s electronic bracelet program allows early release and monitoring of inmates who are not a threat to society or themselves.  This program reduces costs, helps relieve crowding at the jail, and provides a better way for qualified inmates to return to society.

The Superintendent of Jails indicated that, if there were another supervisor, about 15 additional inmates were candidates for the bracelet program.  The Republican led County Delegation funded, but the Commissioners refused to hire, another bracelet program supervisor.  Apparently the Commissioners prefer to not address the jail problem if they don’t get the solution they want.

Investigation of the prison situation has resulted in public discussion and alternative proposals.  More recently the County Commissioners have suggested that an acceptable prison could probably be built for under $30 million.

Sullivan County reportedly achieved excellent results for about $7 million, after rejecting a proposed $45 million jail.

Although they were much maligned for refusing to rubberstamp the Commissioners’ original proposal, the Republicans on the County Delegation appear to have saved taxpayers at least $12 million in building expenses and significant annual operational savings.  If a solution like that in Sullivan County can be found for our jail problem, better results will be achieved while saving taxpayers lots of their hard-earned money.

For the best results for addressing jail and other county issues, we need wise and principled people as County Commissioners and in the County Delegation (composed of Belknap County State Representatives).  We need to elect Dave Devoy and Dick Burchell to replace the current Commissioners.

We need to re-elect the State Representatives who refused to be railroaded by the Commissioners and special interests, or elect people similarly committed to fully and openly investigating problems.

For State Representatives from Meredith and Gilford, I support, and recommend that people vote on September 9 for: Herb Vadney, George Hurt, Russ Dumais, and Glen Aldrich.


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