We at GraniteGrok are going to be exceedingly stingy with endorsements this year. It isn’t because of poor candidate quality – indeed, there are some very good candidates that have decided that they have positive things to offer to NH citizens that want a limited government. One that will stop overreaching and spending their money “on stuff” simply because somebody else believes that “Government is the thing we all do together” and leaves no choice to opt out of those actions that more rightly belong to a vibrant and large Civil Society. We simply are going to set our bar very high.
Our first endorsement was in the NH State Senate Republican Primary in District 16, announced at the CNHT Annual Picnic, was for former NH State Representative Jane Cormier and now running for the NH GOP nomination in the NH State Senate’s District 16. Ever since she appeared on the scene, she has been a stalwart defender of, and advocate for, Conservative values and leading the charge on several issues such as the Life issue and the Federalization of local zoning issues due to the EPA / DOT / HUD pushing of “Sustainable Communities Initiative”. Here she gives her speech and then gets surprised by our endorsement:
Her competition has not, Dave Boutin, has been unapologetic for his votes, especially those that have been directly in opposition to the NH GOP Platform like Medicaid Expansion and raising the gas tax. In fact, he was not seen at the CNHT Annual Picnic yesterday.
Previous Video:
- CNHT 2014 Annual Picnic – Intro Ceremonies
- CNHT 2014 Annual Picnic – Straw Poll