Ask NH State Senator Dave Boutin these questions about his Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion vote:
- Why did you put people ONTO the public dole at taxpayer expense when they already were paying for their own insurance?
- What are you going to TELL them when Doctors say “I’m not taking any more Medicaid patients”?
- What are you going to SAY when the Feds don’t pay what they have promised (remember: $18 Trillion in debt?)?
- What are you going to DO after the 3 years and NH Taxpayers have to start paying for people (that used to pay for themselves), that is…
- What are you going to say when Democrats call you MEANIE and HEARTLESS and YOU HATE POOR PEOPLE – will you vote to continue it?
Increases coming in our taxes for this? Check!
Making more people dependent on Government? Check!
Enlarging Government bureaucracy? Check!
Further diminishing NH’s self-reliance by grubbing for more Federal Money (remember: $18 Trillion in debt?)? Check!
(H/T: Citizens for a Strong NH via John D)