We also gave out one (but only one) other Endorsement at yesterday’s CNHT Annual Picnic – and that was for Andrew Hemingway who is vying for the 2014 NH GOP NH Gubernatorial Primary against Walt Havenstein. When he called me, years ago now on a dark and stormy February nite (yeah, it was during a blizzard) asking me about running for an elected office. Right – an total unknown to me, a mere blogger in my spare time, asking if he should run for higher office. You see, he told me how he had cut a half million dollars from Bristol’s budget as a BudComm member. Yes, that was impressive. And I have watched him in weaving his political network ever since. Sometimes, it is nice to be the observer.
And now, nice to be (along with the other bloggers at GraniteGrok) the Endorser:
Previous Video:
- CNHT 2014 Annual Picnic – Intro Ceremonies
- CNHT 2014 Annual Picnic – Straw Poll
- CNHT 2014 Annual Picnic – GraniteGrok Endorsement for Jane Cormier in the NH State Senate District 16 Primary