A bureaucracy that openly plots to overcome Congress’s oversight…


We have seen the IRS stall Congress over the targeting of TEA Party groups to silence / harass them before the 2012 Presidential election – specifically the emails of Lois Lerner.  We have seen that the EPA has done the same thing (“we lost the emails”….we had disk crashes”) .  DOJ has done the same over Fast and Furious (and now, Operation Choke Point).  We see the same recalcitrance now with ICE over the invasion of illegal alien kids – no one knows exactly how many, lower level govt and communities are not told when they are just bussed or flown in (many diseased, and many are not “kids” but mid to late-teens, and if the pics are to be believed, gang members).  It goes on and on.

Here, we see signs that the IRS coverup is starting to unravel:

These words are appropriate: 

When a Party has so infiltrated the inner workings of our common government and so infused it with an ideology that runs counter to traditional norms (open, transparent, obeying The Rule of Law, acting as Public Masters instead of public servants, and showing both disdain and arrogance to those in power over them), our Republic is indeed in trouble.  In essence, the Civil Servants have now replicated the old political spoils system that was in place (e.g., change bosses / parties, change all the underlings) before Civil Servant protections against such firings and dismissals were put in place.

So, now we have the Progressive hyper-partisanship not only taken over the Democrat Party, but its sycophants, ideologically aligned, have taken over the inner workings and the levers of power within bureaucracy.   When that bureaucracy ignores those that are supposed to be in charge, then what?  How can it be restrained – it has been grown by both parties but groomed by “the Party of Government”.

What is our recourse?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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