Reagan Democrat….Obama Republican (see after the jump)?
Well, at least he didn’t like about his name (only that he was off it before he was on it – the Scott Brown Campaign staff, that is)! That would be Jeremy as in Jeremy Baker. Turns out that commenter Radical Moderate found this wascally wabbit over on WMUR – hiding in plain site as it were. James Pindell interviewed him back in December because he had created a Draft Scott Brown for US Senate in NH 2014. I guess that we “could” forgive this recent UNH grad for believing:
“I think Scott Brown would be a great candidate….wanted to start my own little movement and made this blog page”.
Involvement in the College Republicans is fine, but I would have thought he would have delved deeper into Brown’s record before proclaiming on state-wide TV:
“I think he’s a great candidate, he’s done a lot of great stuff in the Senate already. Umm, I think he’s willing to work with the other aisle, he’s very bipartisan and that something that young people like me especially admire because with all the gridlock that’s been happening.”
Bipartisan, eh? MAYBE a good thing if that ole Overton Window was more properly centered, but methinks you missed the research of when bipartisanship stops and just voting like a Democrat goes whizzing past:
Remember, Scott Brown is asking the NH Republican Party to send him down as a Republican and as a Republican vote…
…sided with a Democratic majority on 22 percent of votes in his first year, ranking him seventh among all senators. The next year, he voted with Democrats 46 percent of the time, trailing only Sen. Susan Collins of Maine. In 2012, he rose to the top of the list, siding with a Democratic majority close to 62 percent of the time, according to the annual report, which was printed in the January 21, 2013 issue of CQ Weekly.
Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve started to see a new meme on the Right of Center blogosphere, Jeremy, that might well apply here. I know you’re a bit young, but do you know what a Reagan Democrat was, back in the day? Seems like there’s a new term being bandied about: Obama Republican (Republicans that disdain Reagan’s stance for limited government and, instead, embrace Big Government). Is that where you stand, sir? Or is your infatuation with Brown because he is of that mind set? After all, Scott has said nothing as to how he would start to cut the size and reach of the Federal Government?