The NoBrown / Second Amendment Rally: Scott Brown Campaign ignores its own strictures on others?


Last night, the Gun Owners of NH (“GONH”) had a meeting at the Holiday Inn in Concord, NH with their keynote speaker being former US Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) who is trying to become the next US Senator from NH.  Their rule, as been pointed out here and here, was that Scott Brown had insisted they they not allow:

  • Cameras or other recording devices
  • Media / reporters

We went down anyways (for nothing says New Media on the conservative side like GraniteGrok) with camera(s) in hand to see what was to be seen, get some interviews, and generally make an annoyance of our ourselves.  Last night, I am happy to report, we achieved all of those goals!  However, one of the things that most disturbs and annoys US are politicians and their coterie of campaign staffs that act contrary to their own request of others


Yup, that’s what they did.  WE can’t video them – but they can video others with impunity?  Er, no, not when we have our own camera ready!  So here is the story.  Those that were protesting Scott Brown were on the other side of the street from the Holiday in (not a large crowd by any means but a crowd none the less). All of a sudden, we spy someone that could fit the norms of a junior campaign staffer standing in plain sight on the Holiday Inn side of the street holding up his phone scanning the crowd – and pretty much oblivious to the fact that I had started to do the same to him.  Upon a lengthy time of reflection (on the aspect of a femtosecond, to be sure), four of us decided that paying a visit to the other side of the street was a very good idea indeed.  Unfortunately, for “Jeremy“, it wasn’t a good idea for him.

Watch him during his “Denial by Peter” moment (as in  “I’m not with Brown – oh wait!”)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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