Data Point – Support for President Obama is falling

by Skip

It has been a while since I put up the Rasmussen Daily Presidential Poll – time to restart:

obama_total_approval_may_27_2013Since his Second Inauguration, his job approval level has been dropping – and fast. Yes, his personal approval levels remain positive (something that I have never figured out).  It seems that the scandals that are now engrossing his Administration may well be taking hold.  In the meantime, the target of one of those scandals (which may have had a major effect on the result of the election, given how few votes made the electoral swing so much) is seeing rising numbers:

Favorables for the Tea Party have jumped since news broke that the Internal Revenue Service was targeting the grassroots movement and other conservative groups.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 44% of Likely U.S. Voters now have a favorable opinion of the Tea Party. That’s up 14 points from January but still down from April 2009’s high of 51% when the Tea Party protests against President Obama’s spending policies first erupted.

Forty-four percent (44%) also now view the Tea Party unfavorably, although that’s down five points from earlier this year.

We have been called extremists for simply believing in Constitutional Values (mostly by those Democrats who wish to trash them, eh Harrell Kirstein?) and we’ve been called “screaming loudmouths” simply because we would not backdown for what we knew was right.  And now, with the IRS targeting of TEA Party groups (simply because we run counter to the Democrat-Bigger Government that permeates the governmental bureaucracy), I find it ironic that even as many said some of us were paranoid that we were being targeted by our own Government, we really were.

And Conservatives first, then the TEA Party later, have been targeted with Governmental assets since 2008.

Right, Harrell?

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