The Culture of Complainers and Whiners

Rick Olson

Complainers change their complaints, but they never reduce the amount of time spent in complaining.  —Mason Cooley

No_Whining_ZoneThe Londonderry Fish & Game Club, Inc. was established in 1951 and has been in its present location in Londonderry since 1973. Aside from LFGC’s  primary mission, the club has sought to be good community stewards in the capacity that it can. For example, the club has been opened up to Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Church and other civic groups, including Kiwanis of Manchester where they conduct their annual “Fish with a Child” day on Jim Cates pond at the club. LFGC has always opened its doors and its facilities to those organizations that don’t have principles counter to LFGC’s mission or bylaws.

In late January the New Hampshire Pyrotechnics Association contacted LFGC about holding its annual meeting at LFGC. The NHPA, an association of professional fireworks shooters, sought a location that best works for safety to showcase and critique new fireworks products for the up and coming season. These are the same people that conduct July 4th Fireworks, Old Home Days Fireworks and the like all across the Granite State and many parts of New England.

LFGC welcomed NHPA. This event works because LFGC members were able to continually use the ranges during the day with no interruption to daily club operations by NHPA. Plainly stated, they are a good fit. LFGC also benefited from this event in hosting one of the best fireworks shows attendees had ever seen!

So what exactly goes  into an event such as this? First and foremost, the grounds are evaluated to ensure fire safety. Neither NHPA nor LFGC made that determination…the Fire Department did. The area was approved, based on their criteria. Second, The New Hampshire State Fire Marshall’s office physically inspects and approves this event. A series of permits and applications were submitted and approved.  Third, Fire Department personnel were on the grounds as when pyrotechnic Magazines were opened. Bottom line: LFGC and the NHPA FULLY complied with all applicable state and local laws and requirements.

These were professionals shooting fireworks and conducting this show. Not a, “bunch of Yahoos [sic]whooping it up and partying to feel like real men,”  as some who complained asserted. People who live within a mile of the club began immediately having meltdowns. They called local and county dispatches to whine and complain. What made it worse was being told there was nothing that could be done about it. I get it.

As Club President. some might think me callous…or uncaring…or lacking in empathy that so many were disturbed, alarmed, panicked (or whatever) by the presence of our fireworks. But, we did in fact do a mailing to residents about this show. And where so many were disturbed is not lost on me. While I am truly sorry and regretful they were disturbed, I make no apologies for NHPA or LFGC hosting this event.  Could our notice been a bit more broad? perhaps. 

Inversely, I did receive many very polite phone calls from people wondering about the event. Having spoken to those folks, they were pleasant conversations, I heard their concerns, acknowledged what they had to say and each call ended on a very positive note.

Then, there is this….

There are a couple of comments to be made. First, The Londonderry Fish and Game Club has been in its present location since 1973.  Builders began building houses in that area of Litchfield in the 1990’s. There was literally nothing within miles of us. Even Londonderry was very sparse at the time. People complain incessantly about our range to us and to the town. And, they blame us for other ills like shooting in the Musquash Conservation land and power line corrdiors.

Most of the houses where whiners live were built after 1995. Obviously, the further away from residents a gun range is, the better. But Clearly, this is an example of people “coming to the nuisance.”

Second, in years past, LFGC leadership has listened to the neighbors and in some cases LFGC made concessions.  This became problematic because the more LFGC listened, the more the neighbors complained. The more LFGC compromised, the more the neighbors asked for. Conversations turned into requests…requests turned into demands and pretty soon the Lawyers were involved. Presently, when the most vocal residents have something to say, they dispense the civility. The long and the short of it is, LFGC have simply stopped listening to people who hide behind the noise only to say they don’t like us or guns.

Finally, This is the first time LFGC ever hosted an after dark event like this. The other 364 days per year, our Ranges are silent after sundown. People complained because it was loud, but they complained more so for no other reason that it was LFGC hosting it. LFGC is used to complaining. We’ve done the same thing (notwithstanding a fireworks show)we have always done and people still complain. The complaints are nothing new to LFGC so pardon the club for its lack of empathy. As once stated by late Mason Cooley, “Complainers change their complaints, but they never reduce the amount of time spent in complaining.”


  • Rick Olson

    Rick Olson is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps, and a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University with a BA in Social Science. Rick subsequently attended Massachusetts School of Law in Andover MA. Rick takes up second amendment issues on Granite Grok, as well as issues surrounding hunting, fishing, trapping and wildlife issues. Rick Olson is a former Police Officer and Deputy Sheriff. He is Past President of the New Hampshire Wildlife Federation, President of the Londonderry Fish & Game Club  Rick is a nationally certified firearms instructor and a Hunter Education Instructor. He can frequently be found teaching Urban Rifle and Defensive Pistol classes as an Instructor with Defensive Strategies in Goffstown, NH.  Rick resides in Manchester with his wife Lisa. He has four children and ten Grandchildren.

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