Speaking of media bias, let me ask you to characterize the following in a pithy little phrase such as “media bias” and see what you come up with.
Let’s suppose a Senator, a white middle-aged loin following male Senator, is accused of following his loin into under-aged brothels and cavorting in such trade illegally while said Senator was a Senator. Would such a story be confined to say the left wing white male antipathy laden “news” organizations such as the old grey decaying lady the New York Times, the Washington Post, or the alphabetical stairway to Stalingrad ABC, NBC, CBS et al.?
I doubt it.
It would be sprayed over all the news outlets. Sprayed like the trail of a healthy, lecherous male cat who’s really in the mood. The stench would be so overwhelming that no one could avoid it. Such steamy methylbutan would drain the sinuses as much as chugging a horseradish milk shake topped a dollop of wasabi. Avoiding the story would not be possible. It would be on Fox, Drudge, Rush et al. Everywhere.
Well now let’s change the main character a bit to say….
… oh I dunno, a Hispanic par Cubano excellence middle aged male that represents the hitherto unchallengeable Democrat stronghold of New Hersey (Jersey ala espanol… and if you’re thinking about dinging me racist for mocking Spanish, there’s a letter in the English and Spanish alphabet just after “e” that you can fervently apply to yourself. In accordance with your own code, I can perform such mockery, just take a gander at my last name. Fool.) Anyway back to the non-conforming racial codery folk.
The Senator that I’m referring to is Senator “come here little girls, I’ve candy in my slacks” Menendez. Why is it that such an hombre is ignored? It should be obvious by now, but one news outlet didn’t ignore the underage prostitution story but exposed it and has kept with it. Whaddaya say a mighty hand clap for the Daily Caller .. Dear Tucker Carlson, well played man, staying strong and not backing down. I doff my cap, err Sombrero.
It looks like TheDC’s work has paid off. Just today from the same Daily Caller, “FBI sources confirm grand jury investigation of Sen. Bob Menendez” The Feds are digging into Senator Macho Man’s travel habits and escapades. A grand jury has been convened and its focus is, “on his relationship with Dr. Salomon Melgen, a wealthy Florida donor whose relationship with the Democratic lawmaker has been at the center of several allegations of serious ethics lapses”.
Ethics lapses, interesting. It goes on:
“Menendez’s travel on Melgen’s jet became important after The Daily Caller reported in November, and then again in January, on allegations made by prostitutes that they were paid to have sex with Menendez at the Casa de Campo resort in the Dominican Republic.”
So who can be against that right? Well apparently some. There was a torpedo attempt against this story but it was too stern heavy to impact.
You see one of the real stories apart from Senior Fancy Pants is the story of the Washington Post’s torpedo attempt. Perhaps you didn’t hear about it.
Well it looks like WaPo found a woman that signed an affidavit claiming she was one of the prostitutes TheDC cited thus debunking The Daily Caller’s story on Sen Candy Slacks proclivities involving teeny-weeny pantied girls and exchanging money for their, ahem, services.
This is media bias on steroids. Why? Well…
“The Post uncritically reported in March on claims in an affidavit filed Jan. 25 in that island nation by a woman who said she was paid to fabricate one of those allegations.”
“No evidence has emerged that the woman is one of the two prostitutes TheDC interviewed on camera for a Nov. 1, 2012 story”
And in fact, (I’m just going summarize and paraphrase to bullet the points, but they can all be read here):
- “TheDC has been unable to confirm that the woman, who gave her name in the affidavit as Nexis de los Santos Santana, actually exists.
- She did not attend the March 4 press conference where the affidavit was first presented.
- In the affidavit, Nexis de los Santos Santana’s voter ID number and TheDC was unable to identify any voters who reside in the Vista Catalina neighborhood of the city of La Romana — the area where the affidavit said de los Santana resides.
- In addition, the street on which she claimed to reside does not exist
This is a good one…
TheDC attempted to contact Miguel Galván, a Dominican attorney who filed his own affidavit alongside the de los Santos document and vouched for her with the Dominican press. A secretary at his office promised to call TheDC with a number where Galván could be reached, but she did not provide it. Upon hearing it was TheDC requesting the information, she replied only, “Ohhh.”
So, not only does the media under report a story when it’s on one of their own, they try to sink those who are reporting it. This isn’t media bias, this is hyper media bias. State run media enthusiasts everywhere should be proud.