You may not know if you are not a regular reader. Earlier this year, the partisan whackjobs at the Southern Poverty Law Center added us to their Hate map. Not for hate. They claim we are anti-government, which – in truth – makes us Americans.
The Daily Caller
There’s Bias and then there’s Hyper Bias
Speaking of media bias, let me ask you to characterize the following in a pithy little phrase such as “media bias” and see what you come up with.
Let’s suppose a Senator, a white middle-aged loin following male Senator, is accused of following his loin into under-aged brothels and cavorting in such trade illegally while said Senator was a Senator. Would such a story be confined to say the left wing white male antipathy laden “news” organizations such as the old grey decaying lady the New York Times, the Washington Post, or the alphabetical stairway to Stalingrad ABC, NBC, CBS et al.?
I doubt it.
It would be sprayed over all the news outlets. Sprayed like the trail of a healthy, lecherous male cat who’s really in the mood. The stench would be so overwhelming that no one could avoid it. Such steamy methylbutan would drain the sinuses as much as chugging a horseradish milk shake topped a dollop of wasabi. Avoiding the story would not be possible. It would be on Fox, Drudge, Rush et al. Everywhere.
Well now let’s change the main character a bit to say….