RightOnline 2012 – Breitbart is Here

Breitbart is Here - From RightOnline 2012Plenty of things happened at the RightOnline conference in Las Vegas last weekend but not one of them occurred without the understanding that there was something we all had to do.  Something more important than anything we had done previously.  Wherever we were as bloggers or new media journalists we had to step up our game.

Andrew Breitbart was no longer there to give us a rhetorical kick in the backside or more importantly to simply lead by doing.   Breitbart would no longer be strolling amidst union protesters or walking into NetRoots to challenge the left or their ideas to their faces.   Andrew Breitbart was no longer there to challenge us to do those things.  Or was he?

In reality, Breitbart was everywhere at RightOline, telling us to get off our asses and expose the left for what they are, not just yesterday, or today, but tomorrow and every day after that.  Imploring us to get out of our comfort zones and challenge everything.  Reminding us that all we had to do was show up and they would expose themselves.

It reminded me of the moment when I decided that I was done with my years of lurking on blogs and posting or commenting anonymously.

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I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post.

Nice Deb, has a nice round up of links and commentary regarding the sham that is Sandra Fluke and the Democrats blatant redirect away from the wreckage of their leadership and Obama’s failed presidency.  (Nothing of ours unfortunately.)  And the lede is a suitable context to the other issue we’ve been covering around here at … Read more

Be Breitbart

by Skip

Glen over at Instapundit has put up a fair amount of posts and words concerning the passing of Andrew Breitbart and passes this comment from one of his readers along: I attended my first caucus today. It was a great experience. We filled a middle school cafeteria to the brim, there must have been almost … Read more

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