NH Dems Destroy Jobs Godzilla

Despite Dems NH Sets Another Employment Record as More People Find Work

The Council of Economic Advisors (CEA) just released a report on employment. By their calculation, 71% of new jobs filled are people who were not counted as in the workforce. Folks who were not looking or had given up seeking a job. In New Hampshire, that means another new employment record.

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New Hampshire’s Economy Is Booming – Democrat Want to Take It All Away

Last month, Drew Cline, writing at the Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy, provided some numbers that reinforce arguments I’ve been making on these pages for years. That if the government just stays out of the way jobs and wages will take care of themselves. As of July, the average hourly wage for private employment … Read more

If the Economy is Getting Better….

…then why are there 6 million less jobs in America today than there were before the recession started?Obama blowed up all the jobs

This is a serious problem.  The people inside the blue bubbles and left wing ghettos can shout whatever number they want, but people are still out of work and underemployed.   Their quality of life, and standard of living are in shambles.  People who did not lose their jobs are trying to make stagnant or declining wages go further as inflation rises.  Claiming the unemployment rate has dropped makes for a great sound bite, but it doesn’t pay the bills, and neither do government hand outs.

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