Progressives want to kill this capitalist puppy!


From today’s Wall Street Journal, Alan Blinder argues against "The Folly of the Flat Tax."

Blinder, a member in good standing of the modern American political class, is a Princeton prof and former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve. He uses the word "progressive" like humans brandish garlic at vampires.

But in fact the real vampires are the members of the parasitic political classes. Blinder’s article should be titled "The Folly of Regressive Progressivism."

After all…

…is it "progressive" to forcibly take ever higher percentages of wealth from those who work the hardest and serve the desires and needs of the public best? Is it "progressive" to allow a giant population cohort to become parasitic "free riders" on the backs of those who work and support themselves? Is it "progressive" to destroy individual freedom and initiative so that the political class can leech off of the free, peaceful, cooperating classes in our capitalist cystem? Is it "progressive" to engage in Crony Capitalism where "favored" banks and other companies are singled out to be showered with tax money they never earned?

OF COURSE NOT! The so-called "progressives" will be the death of us all if we don’t destroy their growing power in America. Bottom line: The political classes are "progressive" only in the sense that they are "progressive leeches." They work only to ensure that government does what benefits them most. Refer to libertarian class theory to understand the big picture.


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