“Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.” —Ayn Rand
Porta-potties…in a public park…”public” property. Who is paying for them? Is it the Manchester Tax payers? How come nobody will say? We can only assume authorization exists for them to be there, but who is paying? Why won’t anybody say? Seems like such a non-issue when groups like Americans For Prosperity funded them at Victory Park.
This is nothing new or novel or unique. Porta-potties have been placed from time to time in city parks where events of all persuasions have taken place. Each group who places them receives consent of city government for their placement.
But calling the Parks Department today, I only received open-ended generalities. “If they are there then permission must have been granted.” I am told. But, to whom the permission was given is the mystery, let alone if it was even given.
Unless of course, there are those who aren’t really interested in allowing people to know.