From Saturday’s Lakes Region TEA Party in Moultonborough, NH hosting Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann’s, we had the chance to do a number of ‘Grok Micro-Interviews both before and after the event (which we always enjoy doing!)
Those willing to talk to us were:
- Tom Thomson (out to get yet another Presidential candidate signature for his Tax Pledge)
- NH State Senator Jeannie Forrester
- Jim and Nancy
Nancy and Jim of Moultonborough are friends of some years now (ever since we caught the Moultonborough "Budget Committee" trying to have an non-public noticed meeting with our Gilford School Board – both were rather embarrassed as we started to shine flashlights on their monkey-business) even though we seldom get a chance to see each other. Here, they give me their reaction to Congresswoman Bachmann’s event:
Before the event, NH State Senator Jeannie Forrester agreed to come on camera (she really is camera shy):
Tom Thomson, who was there with his famous "Axe the Tax" axe was there to collect another signature of a politician that is stating to put the taxpayers and their taxpayer monies first when considering their stewardship of same: