global climate change. Now, according to #OWS, Occupy Wall Street, the primary worry is "income inequality" (brought on by those "bad people", the 1%ers).
Sidenote: ever wonder why it is that the Left always seems to have yet another "Other" when the current #1 World Destroyer problem starts to peter out with the general populace?
Yet, there is another side to that 1%:
Does U.S. Economic Inequality Have a Good Side?
on PBS. See more from
PBS NewsHour.
(H/T: PBS via The Coalition of the Swilling)
Other posts on Income Inequality from a Conservative viewpoint:
James Pethokoukis -the new bogeyman
Mark Perry – Class / Income mobility
Shika Dalmia – The gap is not as big as the OWS claims
Daniel Horowitz – where the CBO gets holes punched
James Pethokoukis – why Obama is wrong in income equality
Greg Mankiw – the rich are getting poorer
Tim Cavanaugh – the poor are actually getting richer