Democrat Scapegoats

by Don

Following Democrat traditions, President Obama claims the rich and corporations don‘t pay enough taxes.  However, the rich and corporations  pay EXACTLY the taxes that Democrats desire.  If the rich and corporations were under-taxed, Democrats would have raised their taxes during President Obama‘s first two years when no Republican support was needed (like Democrats passed Obamacare).  But, Democrats didn’t increase taxes.  Democrats didn’t even consider taxes on the rich or corporations until after last Fall’s election.        

Claims that the rich and corporations are under-taxed are intended to divert attention from Democrat excessive spending and unconscionable deficits.  Most Americans know that continuing trillion dollar deficits lead inevitably to financial disaster, excessive inflation, a decline in our standard of living, and/or poverty for future generations of Americans. 

Politicians who steal their people’s freedom and money always point to scapegoats to divert people’s anger from the true source of their troubles.  The Nazi’s blamed the Jews, Communists blamed the capitalists, and petty dictators around the world blame the US.  Democrats blame the rich and corporations.  Just as the government policies cause people’s problems under Nazi’s, Communists, and petty dictators, Democrat policies cause Americans’ troubles.    

You don’t have a job?  Obama’s policies directly killed many tens of thousands of jobs in the energy industry.  Arbitrary administration decisions has wasted billions of invested dollars, regulatory delays increase costs, and uncertainty about taxation, regulation, unionization, and personnel directives make employers postpone hiring or move jobs overseas.    

Are you struggling to make ends meet?  Obama policies increase energy costs which increases the cost of everything we buy.  Subsidies and wasteful spending cause high taxes.  Obama’s weak dollar policies cause inflation, raising prices and eroding the value of savings.  Obama’s spending is why families struggle financially.  

Today’s Democrats use government spending to buy votes, reward friends, and fund the special interests that contribute to their political campaigns.  Democrats continually increase spending which increases the financial pressure on American families because financial pressures makes people susceptible to Democrat promises of something for nothing and to class envy claims that others are not paying their fair share.  

Taxing the rich doesn’t affect me, so why object?  Because it is a smoke screen to hide Obama’s excessive spending which hurts every American.  
Even if all billionaires’ and millionaires’ income were taxed away, not enough money would be raised to eliminate this year’s deficit.  Our country has a spending problem, not a tax collection problem.             

So, when President Obama tries to make the rich, corporations, or some other group the scapegoat for your suffering, look more carefully.  The American people are suffering because of  President Obama’s policies.                  

Don Ewing


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