Breaking News – WI Senate Votes to strip Collective Bargaining Rights without Dems

Breaking News From Wisconsin

Republican senators in Wisconsin Wednesday night passed legislation stripping public employees’ unions of nearly all collective bargaining rights.

A vote on Gov. Scott Walker’s "budget-repair" bill had been stymied since Feb. 17 when 14 Democratic senators left the state. Without the Democrats, the senate lacked a quorum to vote on fiscal legislation.

On Wednesday night, Republican senators convened and removed fiscal items from the bill so that they could vote on other issues, including the collective bargaining rights of public employee unions. The vote to pass the remaining bill was 18-1.

"Tonight, the Senate will be passing the items in the budget repair bill that we can, with the 19 members who actually do show up and do their jobs," said Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, a Republican, in a statement.

And no, the Wisconsin Senate democrats are not happy.  But since they are not even in Wisconsin, who really cares what they think?

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