Tim had the list right at the national level. True, the actual spending as a result of earmarks is miniscule when compared to the Federal budget overall. Heck, it’s not even a pinprick when compared to just Obama’s yearly deficit (running $1.4 Trillion / year). Problem is, we also have to look at the individuals – separate them out from the pack – and then simply using the Progressive’s own tactics against them (they aren’t too grooving to that – I can’t wait for our good friend Harrell over at the NH Democrat Party Central Committee to start yipping at this).
I notice that our (now) Senior Senator, Jeanne Shaheen pulled an Obama-1:
She didn’t even vote "present"
Yeah, she took a pass. Didn’t pull the lever. Didn’t let her constituents know what she thinks about earmarks. Didn’t publicly put herself on the record. Didn’t know which would hurt her worse – voting with her the majority of her Party, or voting to start the cleanup of Congress.
She did, however, just tell us here in 2010 what her intentions are for 2012. This ought to be fun!
Earmarks: the problem is the process. The problem is the mindset. The problem is the utter contempt of actually using the legislative system. The problem is in NOT DOING THEIR JOBS the way we elect them to.
We expect them to…
…read the bills. We expect them to understand the laws they are subjecting us to. We expect them to live by those same restrictions in choices (as almost all laws lately seem to restrict our freedom of choice in one fashion or another). We expect them to mitigate, as far as possible, the effects of the Law of Unintended Consequences. We expect them to faithfully fulfill their Oaths and the responsibility that we have consented to give them.
What earmarkers do is pander to the voters. What earmarkers do is pat themselves on the back and with as much flair as an peacock’s plumage. What earmarkers do is proclaim "What a good boy/girl am I!" to the home state. What earmarkers do is pay off someone for something in many (if not most) cases.
THAT becomes the focus – and not the national problems that beset us (many of which, they and their compadres in government have caused).
A small thing, these earmarks? Perhaps; long term pols seems to want us to believe this notion. I think not – it is the politician’s gateway drug; so easy, so small; "no big deal". But it leads to more and more.
Our push back is part of the needed intervention. Even if they sit on the sidelines and try to blend in with the crowd. Like Senator Shaheen.