It’s because they’re in love with power. Power over other people. They’re besotted with the very idea. They’re drunk on it. And the shortest, surest route to power over other people is…more government! Bigger government! Ubiquitous government! Rich government! Higher taxes government! Regulating-everything government! Always-on government! Always-everywhere government!
As the percocious and insightful P.J. O’Rourke says, "Democrats hate our guts…because they’re drunk on power." And furthermore…
"They don’t just hate our Republican, conservative, libertarian, strict constructionist, family values guts. They hate everybody’s guts. And they hate everybody who has any. Democrats hate men, women, blacks, whites, Hispanics, gays, straights, the rich, the poor, and the middle class. Democrats hate Democrats most of all. Witness the policies that Democrats have inflicted on their core constituencies, resulting in vile schools, lawless slums, economic stagnation, and social immobility. Democrats will do anything to make sure that Democratic voters stay helpless and hopeless enough to vote for Democrats."
Heh. Read it all!