To the Editor:
Some media and political pundits describe Tea Partiers as “extremists” and “out of the mainstream”. Tea Partiers want smaller, fiscally responsible government operating within the US Constitution, the rule of law not men, and greater economic freedom. Does that sound extreme to you? It shouldn’t, many republicans and democrats promise these things when campaigning. Which Tea Party views are so different from yours?
Both Republicans and Democrats have failed to keep their promises to the American people. Both over promised, overspent, and extended government services without ensuring adequate funding. Neither party has the courage to eliminate failing and counter-productive programs. These irresponsible actions created debt (for current expenses not investments) equal to three times our annual budget, and growing. This puts our country on a collision course with bankruptcy and a dramatic loss in Americans’ standard of living.
Sadly, the people allowed this to happen to us, our Country, and subsequent generations when we accepted politicians’ promises of “something for nothing“ (things that are “too good to be true” are generally frauds, even when offered by government).
Budgets must be balanced, all programs must be fully funded, and the debt left to our children and future generations must be eliminated.
Government spending must be dramatically reduced. There is NO justification for the average Federal government worker’s salary plus benefits being twice the average of private sector workers. This recession hurt millions of Americans, but not the increasing number of Federal government employees. Where is the shared sacrifice we hear so much about?
US courts must operate within the US Constitution as American citizens understood and approved it giving limited authorities of the US Government. Judges who adjudicate based on what they want the Constitution to say rather than what was intended have given us numerous injustices that the American people regret, e.g., approval of slavery, “separate but equal”, imprisonment of thousands based on the alien and sedition acts, the internment of over 100,000 Japanese Americans during World War II, the recent Kelo decision that allows cities to take people’s homes and give them to others who promise greater tax payments, and even government control of farming for personal use! Justices must stop exceeding their authority!
Government is destroying the American dream. Excessive taxation and regulation drives American jobs overseas, destroys opportunities for American citizens, distorts normal market forces (e.g., ethanol), lowers the American standard of living, and jeopardizes the future financial health and security of our country.
If you agree with much of this letter, then it is the media and the pundits who are “out of touch” and the “extremists“, not the Tea Partiers.
Tea Partiers feel most current Senators and Congressmen are “out of touch” with the American people. Those who voted for today’s excessive spending, the bailouts, take over of our healthcare system and auto companies, cap and trade, and who want to restrict our first and second amendment rights, these are the “extremists”, and they need to be voted out of office.
Join the Tea Partiers in our efforts to get our government back under control!