On one string, there was a discussion about God, politicians and politics – that they were not too enthused about people talking about their faith. In one case, this was first said:
"…The Marxists and collective Salvationists of the left, and the Christian Fundamentalists of the right…"
and said that these people could stop populism that is the TEA Party movement. To further this thought, this was quoted about Sharon Angle (NV-R, trying to oust Dingy Harry from his Senatorial seat):
"We have become a country entrenched in idolatry, and that idolatry is the dependency upon our government. We’re supposed to depend upon God for our protection and our provision and for our daily bread, not for our government," she said.
and then proceeded with a negative commentary about those of faith cause others to be fearful.
So, you think I could leave that alone??? I certainly went ballistic on the first assertion (so, Christians are the same as Marxists???). And as an evangelical Christian, I agree with Sharon Angle that God, and God alone, is who we should be dependent upon. Secularists and Progressives CERTAINLY are pushing policies so that people are and will be come more and more dependent on Government.
Here was step 1 of my answer:
I will quickly, and only briefly (as I have a jam packed day today and do NOT have the time to attend to this subject properly) wade in here.
I think it totally appropriate to bring "the God thing" into the conversation, and my eyebrows crawled a couple inches up my forehead at the phrase "Christian Fundamentalists", as normally that is used as a pejorative when brought into the political arena.
Yet, I think MORE talk of THE First Principle must happen – the our Rights stem from God. The secular Left (and many on the Right) wish to suppress that discussion. The Left does because then they have to acknowledge that they and Government are NOT the absolute entities they believe themselves to be or should be – and thus, free to make decisions for the rest of us "without a controlling legal authority" as Al Gore once put it. And if they continue to sever that relationship, they will have more and more leverage to continue their Progressive march towards complete Socialism – a God-less based society and a replacement of an internal law based society with more and more of a external law based society.
Those on Right simply think it is a "yucky" topic and belongs solely in the realm of "the redneck Republicans" who also cling to their guns. Believe in it? Yeah, but only in private situation – and frown on us that believe it to be important not only in our personal lives but in our public ones as well.
And when either makes their pronouncement on such, it further alienates those of us of faith…after all "free expression of religion" and all that…
More coming later…