A prominent talk radio host brings up an interesting point. The democrats have spent trillions in the past two years, driving the deficit over 3.5 Trillion (from that irresponsible 400 Billion Bush left behind) with roughly a trillion of that money borrowed from the Chinese government. That’s a trillion sent to the US treasury, which we can surmise (on the same premise used to assume that the Chamber of Commerce (CoC) could be using foreign money in US campaigns) is being used to pay the salaries of Obama, his cabinet, his czars, and congress.
Wait. There’s an exception. Law requires the CoC to separate those funds but the US treasury has no such mechanism. That means trillions of foreign dollars, most of it from a communist country, is mingled with the other money being used to pay the salaries of our government.
And what do you know…Paul Hodes and Carol Shea-Porter both have donors who are members of the Socialist party of America? Is that a coincidence?
I think they (Hodes and Shea-Porter) need to prove that the money in their pay checks, is not coming from foreign revenue, not coming from foreign governments like China, and not affecting their policy decisions? And if I’m not mistaken, and we play by democrat rules, it is up to Paul and Carol to prove that they are not being paid by foreigners, or communists and until they do we have to assume they are.
Their policy agenda and voting history will not do them any favors.
So? Paul and Carol? You should step up and prove to us that you are not on being paid with foregin and communist money.
We’re waiting.