Oh won’t all you politically correct idiots attack me too? Like you did Skip? I don’t want him to have all the fun!
And for all you people who bow down to political correctness, I’ll just go ahead and apologize now (so all you Democrats and other socialist toadies don’t get your panties all wee wee’d up, as President Obama memorably put it). Enjoy!
"OH! I didn’t mean to say that Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton ARE pigs. I didn’t even mean to say that the pigs are more valuable than Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton! They are not! No! All I’m saying is that every member of the political/government/ruling class who believes in socialism and is trying to cram it down our throats IS a pig."
Get it? "Socialist Pigs"? That’s my true meaning. I authorized this message, and I’M SERIOUS AS ALL HELL ABOUT IT. As for Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton…are they socialists? Are they trying to impose socialism (aka an economic dictatorship) on the rest of us? Well…I mean, if the shoe fits…. Heh.