…this picture, via Instapundit, is appropriate.
We fight not against a nation-state but a totalitarian ideology masking itself as a religion. They take advantage of our open and free society even as they hate it as its principle foundations are anathema to Shariah Law. Even the Imam behind the Cordoba Project (aka, the Ground Zero Mosque) has advocated for the replacement of Western Classical Liberalism with a theocracy that details how one should live their life in the smallest of issues.
Islam – no, it is not the "Religion of Peace".
I often take those that I oppose at their word; Islam means Submission – the antithesis of Freedom. It IS the Religion of Peace only if you submit to their every demand; there is no tolerance from their viewpoint.
And I will only believe that it is if I am allowed to bring a truckload of Bibles into Saudi Arabia and be allowed to build evangelical churches in both Medina and Mecca. And life to a ripe old age afterwards. After all: