A definition of the word “Shame” for the NH Elections

by Skip

I was at a gathering of Conservative activists last night, and of course, the majority of the watercooler talk concerned that of the Sept 14 Primaries – US Senate, US Congress, NH House, NH Senate, and of course, NH Governor.

Which led me to put this up on FaceBook:

So, how many republicans here in NH are planning on voting for Democrat NH governor John "lied to us" Lynch while giving lip service to the Republican Candidate?   it’s time to bring the concept, accountability to, & the word "Shame" back to common usage.

Don’t tell me you hate where NH has descended to & be a "Great Enabler"…and vote for the Democrat leader here in NH.

Sure, he may be a nice guy – but he has overseen a 25% (-/+) rise in NH spending the last two cycles – THAT’S being smart?  The increase in the size of government – THAT’S being smart?  The enlargement of the Regulatory State (and resulting loss in freedoms here in the "Live Free or Die" state) –THAT’S being smart?

Remember this?

Nay, I say!  For those that publicly profess to BE Republican, to voluntarily decide to associate themselves with the Republican Platform, yet repudiate it semi-privately within closed groups and within the voting booth?

Shame on you!

I have no problem in voting your conscious – but be honest with yourself and the rest of of – if you care not for the consequences of your political donations and votes by supporting Democrat John "Do Nuttin’" Lynch, perhaps it is time to uncheck that R next to your name – and stop lying to both yourself and to others that may be depending upon you. 

Of course, this might be fun to publicly resort to this:

Puritan Stocks 

(H/T:  Lil crabby gal)

Rotten tomatoes optional…

Know of someone who has intimated that they are in that camp (R but either donating to or planning on voting for Lynch (or any other Dem?) – let the ‘Grok know about it… Tips@GraniteGrok.com


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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