Join us August 19, 2010
Hesky Park ~ Meredith, NH
Thursday 19 August, 2010 marks the 23rd anniversary of the Prisoners of War/Missing in Action (POW/MIA) Vigil held at Hesky Park in Meredith. 23 years ago, 3 citizens recognized the need to heighten awareness to the issue of our nation recognizing the plight of her military POW/MIA sons and daughters. The vigil has faithfully been held every Thursday evening from 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm regardless of weather conditions. Two years ago, Gov Lynch designated the site as the State of New Hampshire Original POW MIA Memorial. It is important to understand that these Thursday events are not an occasion of memorial, but an occasion of recognition for the ongoing need for vigilance to "Never Forget" and to ensure full accounting for the fate of our veterans held as Prisoners of War.
Recent Department of Defense terminology changes have diminished public awareness of the status of service members being held by enemy forces. The designation POW/MIA had for years been well understood by the American public. Now service members are designated as Duty Status Whereabouts Unknown (DUSTWUN) for 10 ten days if they can’t be confirmed as captured. Once confirmation of capture is determined, the status is changed to Missing /Captured. No change in terminology can diminish the fact that these servicemen and servicewomen are being held prisoner and deserve the full attention of our nation. Those who stand on Thursday evening look forward to the day when it will not be necessary to have a weekly vigil. Until that time, take action and call on our elected officials to secure full accounting for all. It is not enough to wear an armband, attend a motorcycle ride, or fly a flag. It is essential that all Americans never forget the price these POW/MIA’s have paid. Every one of us, who sleep secure beneath the blanket of freedom these servicemen and servicewomen have provided, must demand full accounting, their release and safe return. Never Forget.
Rob Weeks