Movie Clappboard Grassroots action Now

Knowledge without Zeal

We live in some pretty extraordinary times as far as technology is concerned. To think we hold more technology in our hands via our cell phones than what they had when a man landed on the moon is crazy.

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The NHRVC Merges with the RLCNH

Last Friday I announced that some changes were coming with the New Hampshire Republican Volunteer Coalition, the NHRVC.  Well, they are upon us.  Effective today, we have joined forces with the RLCNH, in an effort to create one of the largest Grass roots groups in the state dedicated to supporting and electing  principled conservative and pro-liberty Republicans to office in New Hampshire.

Every member of the NHRVC is welcome to participate in any capacity that suits them, just as it always was with the NHRVC.  And while I will be contacting everyone personally, I have provided links here to help you along.

For those interested in the joining the Facebook Group you can request to do that here.

Join the RLCNH Yahoo! Group here. (Much like the NHRVC Yahoo! Group but quite a bit more active.)

Please feel free to follow the RLCNH Twitter Feed here.

You can subscribe to the RLCNH Report and email updates here.  The sign up box is on the right.

You can provide contact info and sign up as a volunteer here, to do the kind of on the ground, hands on work the NHRVC was created for.

You can even become a full Dues paying member by signing up here.

You decide your level of involvement, from Facebook lurker, to comment junkie, to full membership or anything in between, just like before.  But whatever your speed is, I encourage you all to come an join us so that we may continue to find, support, and elect principled Republicans to office in New Hampshire.

[Updated – I added the RLCNH Yahoo! Email group]

The formal press release is on the jump.

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Is the Coffee Party Out Of Juice?

Nothing UnderneathI’m not surprised to hear this.  The coffee party (let’s call them CP) was doomed from the start.  Why?  It was a top down construction of left wing propagandists and those sorts of fabricated movements have needs that the CP could never hope to meet.

It had no core principles to stand on.  We know from the CP themselves (see here,) that there was a lack of issues focus but it’s a bigger problem than that.  Being a recovered moderate myself I can tell you that when what you think you believe cannot somehow be linked to some consistent metric or core value you don’t actually believe in anything.  You risk becoming a leaf and the wind that moves you is as capricious as your most recent whim–be it one that occurs to you on your own or something someone else (the media or a trans-formative figure for example) convinces you of from moment to moment.

Left without an anchor and lacking a reliable lens or filter, everything becomes subject to change; response is based on emotion or selfish wants and personal pleasure–the only answer to every question becomes “will this make me feel good about myself or is this good for me?”  But we already have a movement like that, it’s called the new democrat party.

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Manchester Straw Poll Results

  CD-1 Guinta – 175 Ashooh – 59 Mahoney – 53 Bestani – 13 Bearse – 3 Parent – 1 Rondeau – 1   Senate Bender – 134 Ovide – 119 Ayotte – 59 Binnie – 13 Lemarre – 1   Governor Stephen – 181 Kimball – 96 Testerman – 12 Emiro – 6   … Read more

Pilots And Patriots Defending The Constitution

Christopher Hill is the founder and driving force of Pilots and Patriots defending the constitution, a grass roots group focused on attracting professional pilots (Chris was a fighter Pilot in the Gulf War), and just about anyone who can be a convincing patriot (they accepted me). "Pilots and Patriots Defending the Constitution" is a growing … Read more

I’m Batman

I'm BatmanA "little bird" suggested to me recently that in New Hampshire congressional district one, there were two candidates driving hard for the attention of the grass roots, Frank Guinta and Sean Mahoney.  The comment caught my attention because it was just a tiny bit derisive, as if neither of them even deserved that kind of support.  He was obviously backing someone else so I left it alone, but I did find it interesting that he thought Mr. Mahoney was courting the grass roots.  Mr. Mahoney never struck me as the grass roots type.  I always pictured him as more of an institutional republican, someone like Rich Ashooh; active and connected, has money or knows people with money, with a hint of the K-street ruling class mentality.  You know, like Charlie Bass.

I guess I just didn’t recall Sean Mahoney and no offense to whatever his other redeeming qualities might be, courting the roots, the tips, the tea leaves or anything else.  But I can’t know everyone, even though I know enough "someone’s" to have second or third hand access to almost everyone in the NH grass roots.  Maybe Mr. Mahoney really was trying to make in-roads and was simply not doing a very good job of it?  Or maybe I’d missed out on a well hidden patch of Fescue or Rye and there was something to this?

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